St Winefride's


St Winefride's



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 Children's Liturgy



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Diocese of Shrewsbury



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Saint of the Day 





The Candle Prayer


See the light

See the light

How a little candle flame, can shine so bright

Chase away the darkness

Fill the world with light

Be a little candle flame and shine out bright




The Sorry Prayer


O my God because you are so good

I am sorry to have offended you

And by the help of your Grace

I will not sin again.




Hail Mary


Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou among women,

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.


Holy Mary, Mother of God,

pray for us sinners,

now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.



Youth and Children


Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Please click on the link to access activities from CAFOD based on this weeks liturgy: Children's Liturgy


For the younger members of our parish: Little Church

For the older members: 12(Yr 8)- 18: Youth SVP


Little Church


The Liturgy for Children is offered in Little Church to help younger members of the Parish to take a full, conscious and active part in the Mass in a way that is meaningful and appropriate for the child’s age and stage of development.


Who leads the group?

There is an Adult Leader who prepares the readings and activities and an additional adult helper who supports the group. However the emphasis is on the Youth S.V.P who play an important role, not just in delivering God’s word but by interacting with the younger children they are seen as positive role models who share their faith and who play an active part in the Parish community. NB. All adults over 18 have had a CRB in accordance with Child Protection Dept. of the Shrewsbury Diocese Guidelines.


What happens at ‘Little Church’? (time approx. 20 mins.)

  1. The Introduction. This is a summary of the theme of the day. The children will be reminded of the need to listen quietly to the story and prayers.candle
  2. The Candle Prayer. This draws the children into focusing on God’s love as Light of the World.
  3. The Sorry Prayer. A quiet time for the children to think about the things they have done wrong. A traditional sorry prayer is said, so that they learn for future use.
  4. The Gospel Story. To listen to the Gospel of the day or an adapted story based on the theme of the gospel. Simple questions are asked afterwards.
  5. Bidding Prayers. This enables the children to think of the needs of others, especially their own family.
  6. Final Prayer. Summary prayer on the theme of the day.
  7. Activity. A simple activity (time permitting) e.g. colouring a picture or making a collage to depict the theme of the Gospel.
  8. Offertory. Little Church joins in with the Offertory Procession, bringing a token of their work to show the rest of the Parish and then to offer their efforts to God.

How can you help?

  • Explain to your child why he/she is going to little Church
  • Mummy/Daddy may accompany their child until they settle, usually after 2-3 weeks
  • When a parent does come, could you sit in the chairs placed at the side
  • After Mass encourage your child to answer questions and to talk about the Gospel stories
  • Value their contribution by listening to their comments and thoughts, ask them questions about their work and praise their efforts
  • Feel free to encourage your child to bring any special intentions for the bidding prayers for your family and friends, perhaps on a piece of paper
  • Finally, if there is any information that you think would help us to make your child’s time at Little Church as pleasurable as possible, for example, if he/she has any additional needs or is experiencing any difficulties, please speak to the Adult Leader

Youth SVP


President: Dominic Lisboa

Vice President: Jonathan Connolly

Secretary: Elinor Rivers

Recorder: Alex Bramhall


What is the Youth SVP group ?

YSVP stands for Youth St. Vincent de Paul. It is a Christian Organisation and its members give material and spiritual support to people in need.


Saint Vincent de PaulSt Vincent de Paul lived 1561-1660 and pledged his life to the sick, infirm, orphans and old people, beggars, the starving and slaves. There was no form of poverty- physical, emotional or spiritual, which he did not try to make easier for others.


Frederick OzanamIn 1833 a catholic French student called Frederick Ozanam founded the SVP society. He wanted to encourage people in the church to help the poor by putting their faith in Christ into action.


Today there are over 1 million SVP members established in 138 countries.


Why join YSVP?

  • It will improve your personal record of achievement, support your application to college or university, may provide you with references for future employers.
  • Voluntary Work in the community is important for your own personal and social development.
  • It qualifies for the ‘service’ part of schemes such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award or Trident.
  • It is fun and you will meet other young people and take part in fun activities and events.

Who can join?

advent candlesYSVP is open to any St Winefride’s parishioner from School Year 8 till Upper Sixth - (12-18 years old) and can attend any of the local schools. Yearly registration must be completed no later than December.


Do I have to pay?

There is no cost to joining. Members will be asked to make a contribution or donation to help with activities and events during the year, but there is no obligation to do so. It is up to you and depends on your circumstances, we just ask that you be as generous as you can with your time, your possessions and your selves.


What will you be expected to do as a YSVP member?

The main quality you need is COMMITMENT, this means always doing what you say you are going to do and try to attend all the meetings. The main responsibilities include; attending weekly meetings on a Sunday morning, fundraising for charity and providing Little Church to the 3-7 year olds in the Parish Hall. Further information is given in the YSVP Handbook links below.


    Youth  SVP Handbook

YSVP Handbook in Word Format

YSVP Handbook in PDF format

The History of the Youth SVP

A short overview written by Dorothy Barber about how the YSVP was formed at St Winefride's.