1 - St John Plessington's Vestments
2 - St Anne with Mary
3 - St John leading Mary away from Calvary
4 - The Good Shepherd
5 - St John Plessington
6 - St Winefride
7 - Our Lady and the
Child Jesus
8 - St Joseph
9 - St Charles Borromeo
10 - Our Lady Star of the Sea
11 - "Praise the Lord Ye Children!"
Virtual Tour of St Winefride's
First proceed to the back of church to view the ancient Mass chasuble (1), brought from Puddington when the Hall was finally closed. Could the future Saint have worn it? Read the account of his defence of the Faith as he waited on the gallows.
Our church has seen many changes over the years - the last major improvement was in 1995-96, when a new north transept was created to extend the capacity of the church by about 100 places. At the same time the sanctuary was adapted for the Vatican Council's liturgical reforms.
"Light and colour” are major attractions. There are 17 vertical Gothic windows in the extended church space, of which only five have no stained glass. Seven of the twelve fall into two categories; the first are of simple roundel design eg. St Anne with Mary as a child (2); St John leading Mary away from Calvary (3); The Good Shepherd (4).
Five of the twelve are of full stained glass: the Plessington window (5), the two splendid windows dominating the sanctuary (St Winefride (6) and Our Lady and the Child Jesus (7)), St Joseph (8) and St Charles Borromeo (9). The latter is perhaps the most artistic in colour and design, It was erected in memory of Charles Stanley of Denhall, owner of the coalmines under the Dee, and a generous benefactor. He is seen in prayer at the feet of the Saint, who is arrayed in the scarlet robes of a Cardinal. (Charles Stanley was the uncle of the 12th baronet, Sir John Massey Stanley,who funded the building of St Mary of the Angels church at Hooton). The more modern window of Our Lady Star of the Sea (10) in the transept, and another Stanley window (11) , near the north exit, are also worthy of mention.
Don't forget to search for the Rood above the sanctuary, hidden by the roof rafters, a vivid reminder of the rood screens which dominated all our pre-Reformation Catholic churches.
Stations of the Cross and Cemetery Another addition to the beauty of the church is the series of enamel Stations of the Cross of striking French design, funded by members of the parish and erected in the 1920s.
![]() From its earliest days the grave stones in our peaceful cemetery speak eloquently of devotion to our loved ones. Former parish priests (not least Fr Gerry Courell) and priest chaplains from Puddington and Hooton (Fr Peter Baron Fr Thomas Collingridge), mingle with their parishioners.
We must also mention the grave of Teresa Higginson, a focus of long standing devotion; and the graves of two Bishops; Joseph Gray and Gerard Tickle.
Thank you for your visit. Keep us in your prayers.
Words: Monsignor Christopher Lightbound January 2014