Confirmations 2017
LPA Sacrament of Confirmation
Wednesday 18th June
at 7pm
St Winefride's Church
Meetings to take place on Sundays in the presbytery at 9.30am unless otherwise stated
January 26th*
February 9th* (2pm)
March 9th, 23rd
April 27th*
May 11th, 18th
June 15th 7pm
* afternoon sessions, times to be confirmed via email
Sunday Masses animated by Confirmation Candidates
8:45 am
March 2nd
April 6th
May 4th
Stations of the Cross
Friday March 28th
Micheline Johnson
Dee Roberts
Sue Davies
Helen Jones
Luke Needham
Download information on Confirmation 2014
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And You shall renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
No one - but you
Sometimes, I feel like saying,
Just leave me all in peace!
Leave me alone! Go away!
I don’t need you,
I don’t want anyone to approach me,
I don’t want anyone to give me advice,
I don’t want anyone to decide for me,
I don’t need anyone to live my life for me.
And yet, God,
I long for someone to be truly close,
I do need encouragement and advice,
I want and need understanding,
I thirst for true love.
You know all this,
Nothing is hidden from you.
For you I want to drop all my barriers,
I want to let you into my life,
I want you to be my King.
Thank you, God,
For still knocking at the door of my heart,
And not letting me be alone with myself.
Dörte Schrömges
A Prayer for Guidance
Lord show me clearly
What you want me to do
With the gifts you have given me.
Grant me the strength
That I need to answer your call
With courage and love.
Make me a generous person
So that others may experience your love through me.
Help me always to look to You as the One
Who will show me the way to live my life.
Confirmation 2014
If you wish to register and haven't yet done so please fill out a registration form as soon as possible and return it to the Presbytery.
Session Dates For details of our sessions to dowload please click here for a pdf file. The sessions broadly run every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 9:30 am in the Presbytery. However during holiday time there are changes.
Catechists The Catechists (Micheline Johnson, Dee Roberts, Sue Davies, Helen Jones with welcome assistance from Luke, one of our confirmation candidates last year) can be reached on their mobile numbers (given on the session dates pdf file) or through church. You can also email us:
Confirmation 2014 Gallery